Workshop series on Sensory Motor Integration
If you have a dog with instability issues like arthritis, hip dysplasia, patellar subluxations, amputations, dogs that have been through trauma, hyperactive dogs, dogs with issues like depression and anxiety, then we have a great workshop coming up for you this October.
Else Vidts, from Belgium is coming to Bangalore to conduct a series of workshops on Sensory Motor Integration (SI) in dogs.
In SI we look at all the 8 senses and their role shaping body awareness and through that encourage well coordinated movements. Will be looking at how we can use these senses in the rehabilitation of dogs that have physical issues like trauma, instability in the form of arthritis, hip dysplasia, amputations etc….
The senses also shape social behaviour! The sensory input they are getting from their surroundings as well as from their own internal functioning, influences behaviour. We will try to understand how this happens and how we can manipulate this sensory input to address behaviour.