About the school
International canine behaviour education academy based out of Bangalore, India.

BHARCS is an international canine behaviour education academy based out of Bangalore, India. We offer a one of a kind, accredited diploma course on Canine Behaviour and Ethology as well as workshops for dog parents and companion animal professionals.
We are revolutionizing the world of canine behaviour education through our trailblazing approach to the way we see dogs. While our education is deeply rooted in empathy and compassion, we rely on the latest in the fields of biosociopsychology and ethology, as a way to understand dog behaviour and affect change where required. As a school, we firmly believe that dogs are individuals, deserving of choices, autonomy and respect. This is the BHARCS way.
Our unique courses are based on the philosophies of internationally acclaimed canine behaviourist Turid Rugaas and her teachings. We attract learners from all over the world. You can check out our student community map here.
Learning at BHARCS
All our courses are entirely online-enabled which means our students can learn our curriculum with ease, no matter where they are on the globe. We conduct our courses on a customised teaching platform to give students a unique and professional learning experience.
BHARCS not only prepares professional students to practice as behaviour consultants but also empowers them to conduct their own ethological research. To enhance their learning opportunities, we also have several affiliates across the globe and our diploma is accredited as a Level 4 diploma in England. We frequently invite experts from all over the world to conduct workshops on the latest in the field.
Sindhoor Pangal
About The Founder
An engineer turned canine behaviour educator, Sindhoor is a certified Canine Behaviour Consultant, Canine Myotherapist and an Independent ethological researcher who serves as the Director at BHARCS.
Sindhoor quit her corporate life as a VP of a silicon valley based start-up, to pursue a career of working with dogs after her dog Nishi met with an accident and needed special physical and emotional care.
While she started her professional career as a behaviour and myotherapy consultant for companion dogs, her passion lies in the ethological studies of free-ranging dogs in India.
Lives of Streeties is Sindhoor’s pet project that aims to not only conduct ethological studies on free-ranging dogs but also create awareness in their lives, in a bid to increase appreciation of what they bring to our lives and increase sensitivity towards theirs. This project has also been published in several companion animal journals and presented on several occasions across the globe, including International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) journal, Pet Professional Guild (PPG) blog, Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE) newsletter, the PDTE summit in the UK and the 2020 online PDTE summit. Check it out here: livesofstreeties.com.
Sindhoor was also mentioned in the book Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do by award-winning scientist Dr Marc Bekoff.
Sindhoor has been featured in prestigious global publications like Nat Geo, and Psychology Today. She was also featured in NPR. She’s a TEDx speaker and author. Her book Dog Knows was published by HarperCollins in 2021.
Her current focus is educating dog parents and professionals on canine behaviour and ethology. While she wears many hats, Sindhoor’s favourite role has been being a mommy to two amazing dogs—Nishi, who recently passed away, and Cheeru—whom she considers her inspirations and her greatest teachers.

Accredited by Laser Learning Awards (LASER)
Accreditation is a review process to determine if educational programs meet defined standards of quality. Once achieved, accreditation is not permanent—it is renewed periodically to ensure that the quality of the educational program is maintained.
BHARCS holds itself to the highest standard of canine education. Our diploma (BACBED) has been accredited by Laser Learning Awards, UK. LASER was chosen for this purpose because it is a highly meticulous awarding organization (AO), which closely monitors the education delivered by BHARCS, insisting on an internal quality management process, thorough and fair policies and is subjected to external quality checks across all students throughout the year, every year. LASER also requires that BHARCS constantly show evidence of continuous improvements as a commitment of quality to its learners. Laser Learning Awards (LASER) is an international awarding organisation approved by Ofqual, QAA and SIA to offer qualifications. LASER works nationally in the UK as well as internationally - and has been doing so for over 3 decades.
Professional Affiliations

Sindhoor Pangal is a full member of The Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE) and is the country representative for India. PDTE is a professional organisation that was founded by Turid Rugaas and holds its members to arguably the most strict professional Code of Ethics. PDTE opposes methods that cause pain and discomfort or rob dogs of their natural instincts. As a member of this organisation, all education that Sindhoor offers at BHARCS is expected to be compliant with the PDTE Code of Ethics

BHARCS is an affiliate of The International School of Canine Psychology (ISCP)

Galen Myotherapy
Established by Julia Robertson in 2002, Galen Myotherapy is a world-leader in Canine Myotherapy education, treatment, and research. Their unique Positive PACT® treatment protocol ensures all dogs being treated have a ‘choice’. This means that they never use forced restraint and treatment always take place on the floor or on a low level, which is where a dog is most comfortable and can choose to walk away. They work with the dog, not on the dog and this is what makes us love them.

Sindhoor is a member of the International Companion Animal Network (ICAN).

+ Laser >
BHARCS holds itself to the highest of standards and so the diploma (BACBED) has been accredited by Laser Learning Awards (UK) Laser Learning Awards (LASER) is an international awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual to offer qualifications. Laser was chosen for this purpose because it is a highly meticulous awarding organization (AO), which closely monitors the education delivered by BHARCS, insisting on an internal quality management process, thorough and fair policies and is subjected to external quality checks across all students throughout the year, every year. Laser also requires that BHARCS constantly show evidence of continuous improvements as a commitment of quality to it’s learners.